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Neluns is an innovative financial ecosystem ico project

Neluns is an innovative financial ecosystem that contains good banks that deal with fiat and cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency trading, and insurance businesses that create conditions for qualitative expansion of the cryptomarket, new member inflows, and capital.
With every day, more and more people become individuals from the cryptocurrency market. Now there will be long-lasting traders who pursue a 'get & keep' approach, stock traders who take part in frequent trading businesses, and large cryptocurrency funds. Even so, various people still refuse to enter the market. The absence of using cryptocurrency within the organization's version limits is as good as the absence of laws that take action as a barrier to connections for companies. People on a regular basis will not have the time or strength to research all market mechanisms and get cryptocurrency.
Neluns is an innovative financial ecosystem ico project

  • Investments in Neluns are protected from price changes on the volatile cryptocurrency market
  • NLS tokenholder will receive 50% of profit dividends quarterly
  • A real world financial institute as a base. A bank with an official license
  • Official notification of SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) about the start of ICO
  • A cryptocurrency exchange, licensed by the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) and by the CFTC (U.S Commodity Futures Trading Commission)
  • A unique trade and transaction insurance system
  • By the law, Neluns is not required to issue 1099 tax disclosure forms, which report on various manners of alternative or miscellaneous income.
Watch videos about the Neluns

  • Instant fund transfers, withdrawals, and deposits in any ATM in the world.
  • Debit and credit Visa, Mastercard, American express cards.
  • Deposits in cryptocurrency and fiat.
  • P2P Lending platform
  • Mobile application for iOS and Android.
NELUNS Exchange
  • Buy and sell cryptocurrencies in two clicks, exchange crypto for fiat.
  • “Bank guarantee” principle. Easy fund withdrawals, highest transaction speeds.
  • Protection from cyberattacks
  • Full functionality during peak loads
  • Effective user support services API’s and trading on the Neluns exchange through familiar software such as Fusion, * TAKION, MetaTrader, Metastock, ROX, and others.
NELUNS Insurance
  • Trade insurance
  • Transaction insurance
  • Protection from technical issues
  • Protection from failed counterparty obligations

What is the NLS token?
The NLS token is a security token, profits of the Neluns ecosystem are quarterly distributed to NLS token holders in proportion to the quantity of tokens held. NLS token holders will receive 50% profits.
Why is it profitable to acquire NLS tokens?
  • Token holders will receive additional bonuses and discounts when using the platform.
  • 50% of the Neluns ecosystem profits are distributed quarterly to token holders based on the quantity of tokens they hold.
  • The price of NLS tokens will grow alongside the growth of the Neluns ecosystem capitalization, which will allow token holders to receive additional profits.
  • The price of one NLS token will reach $1,200 by 2021. In April 2020, the Neluns Blockchain Ecosystem plans to hold an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • Tokens are released only during the ICO, additional token emissions are not planned.
  • Simple conversions at appealing rates and NLS token liquidity will be guaranteed after listing on large cryptocurrency exchanges such as Bittrex, Huobi, OK-EX, HitBTC, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Binance, YoBit.
NLS token distributions
During the ICO, 200 000 000 NLS tokens will be released
Base price of 1 NLS token = 1 USD
Token name : NLS
Platform : Ethereum
Standard : ERC-20
Token amount : 200 000 000 NLS
Hard Cap : 112 000 000 USD
Base price of one token : 1 USD

Funds distribution

  • November 2017 : Neluns team Formulation
  • December 2017 : ICO preparations
  • May 2018 : IOS mobile application beta testing
  • June 2018 : Holding of a closed investment round for investment funds and anchor investors
  • July 2018 : Preparations for the NLS token sale
  • August 2018 : Pre-sale of NLS tokens, pre-ICO
  • September 2018 : NLS token ICO, mobile application launch (beta version) for iOS and Android
  • October 2018 : Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange,,
  • November 2018 : Launch of the p2p lending platform, launch of mobile applications (alpha version) for iOS and Android
  • December 2018 : Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange,,,,
  • January 2019 : Obtaining a license for Neluns Bank, launch of a payment service for converting cryptocurrencies and executing the transfer of funds to any part of the world, connecting Neluns Bank to Swift, start of Visa, MasterCard, American Express bankcard issuance
  • February 2019 : Obtaining a CFTC license and launching the Neluns Exchange – an innovative cryptocurrency exchange
  • April 2019 : Launch of the full-fledged Neluns ecosystem
  • April 2020 : IPO (initial public offering) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

To contribute and find out the progress of this offer, you can visit the following links:

Author: Irintuying Profil Bitcointalk:;u=2348804 Eth: 0xf15A603e9233947D97daE06DcF0bC6bB1F57C6C7


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